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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Raising Children To Be Less Self Centered - By Sakioeta'

It is so hard parenting and being a grandparent these days. It seems at times as if family values have been thrown right out the window when we see our children and grandchildren in the rush to accumulate more and more material possessions and less and less interested in learning about the values and morals that it takes to be considered honest, caring, trusting, helpful in nature and just being a good human being. I see the rush to accumulate making these kids into human beings that are self-centered, have to be paid to do anything or help anyone, individualistic and filled with the me, me, me, syndrome. I was taught the best a person could ever be was to be honest, helpful, loving, truthful and trusting in everything we did and with everyone we had any type of relationship with. We need to work harder at bringing these values back and keeping them strong in our family members and relatives. Otherwise as we see already, human life is going to be worth nothing at all.

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