That time to have our chimney cleaned again. This way it will be ready for next winter. 64 degrees out with full sun and no wind so a perfect day to have Jake. clean it
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Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
We left the cut glass/prism hanging in the front window for the new owner to appreciate. Hope he left it hanging there long enough to see the room fill with rainbows.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
24 Ton's:
24 ton's of crush and run to spread on the driveway. Get those washouts repaired again and make a new channel for the water to run so it does not wash out the driveway again. Hand trenching is hard work but it needs to be done. It doesn't appear that it was ever done in the past.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Waiting for three loads of "crush and run", to replace what washed out two days ago when we received 5.4" of rain. Between the wind and rain some of our driveway washed away. In Colorado we called it road base but here we refer to it differently. Three loads 8 ton each will allow me to groom my driveway which it needed anyway. That was a terrific storm the other night. I understand we don't see those here often but the weather pattern seems to be changing. As soon as the first load arrives my work starts.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
In the past I have had surgery on both knees and they have been getting progressively more painful and unstable. This has severely limited my mobility and put a larger burden on Carol. I have not been able to go into the larger stores and even most smaller stores. When we go to the orchard to buy apples I am generally shot for the rest of the day.
It has been getting worse with the knees and ankles and I have been spending more and more time at home. When I went to the military appreciation day I was days in recovering. I want to be more mobile so I purchased an electric mobility chair. I do not plan to use it around the homestead but when able I will use it to visit places where I can't walk.
I didn't expect my knees to go bad so fast but Carol thinks it may be from having sepsis or having covid vaccinations. I will probably never know but I am doing what I can to adjust to this sudden disability. As I said it happened so fast I was taken somewhat off guard but am making correction now. This is a start in the right direction in my opinion.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
The Swing
This memory popped in my head this morning when I walked Lucy down the road and saw that our neighbors had a new swing in their yard. I hope that they enjoy their view as much as we enjoyed ours.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Loaf Of Bread:
At our last home we had a 20 minute drive to get a loaf of bread, milk, produce etc.., We just got back from a bread run and it only took us 4 minutes one way. Plus it was a day old store so the bread was still fresh and will be for a few days. We also picked up 5 tomatos and some snacks. Coupled with the grocery store and Walmart (17 minutes) this is just great!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Big Job For Seniors:
Even though we have left S. Colorado where we heated with 9-11 cords of firewood we supplement our central heat by using our woodstove. It does help keep our electric bill affordable. So being in our advanced age that we are it takes us longer to accomplish tasks. It has taken us several days to get this far after having two face cords of firewood delivered.
It may take us longer to get things done but so far we are making progress and neither of us has been hurt. By the time we finish in a few days (after resting between sessions) we will have some nice dry firewood for next winter.
Friday, February 21, 2025
How To Spend The Day:
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Our area gets on average 4" of snow each year. Present accumulation is 4" so it can stop now Nothing like our mountain cabin where we lived in Colorado when we averaged 264" per year.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Child Cancer:
Carol and I were watching a TV show that was showing very young children that had cancer and she wondered why such tiny children are getting cancer at such a young age. Maybe it is more noticeable with the better communication we experience today. Maybe it is the food they eat or other pollutants that were not present 50 years ago.
Several years ago when we lived in Colorado our association was spraying 2-4-D Amine and as I was driving down the road with the window down I was accidentally sprayed. When I ask what I was sprayed with I was met with belligerence and I was finally able to learn what it was through the EPA, and did extensive research on the chemical components.
I learned it had a trace amount of dioxin it which is a known carcinogen. The association justified using this broad leaf herbicide because it only has a half life of 2-3 weeks and it rapidly breaks down in the sun. I discovered that until then it can be inhaled, absorbed in your skin or kept on your clothes or shoes.
My research also indicated that if it is on your shoes and tracked inside a house where it where it ends up on carpets, the half life then is one year. Babies crawl around on the carpet where their can be in direct contact with it. So I would like to see if that factor has any impact on infants who have compromised immune systems. Maybe if we had more research on this we could eliminate or educate more people and end heartache.
Perhaps there is no connection but if it does have an impact parents could take measures to protect infants. Maybe it is so minor compared to other risks that is not worth research consideration. I don't know but maybe science could look at it.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
RIP Butter:
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Puppy Bowl:
Today is the puppy bowl on the 'Animal Channel'. Many will watch the Super Bowl but in our house we will watch the puppy bowl. I used to like to watch professional football but after a couple strikes, and their huge salaries I gave up on the NFL.
Out of all our dogs (12 in total) only one, Ruby, liked to watch the puppy bowl. Ruby was totally deaf and would stand there and watch the puppies run around. Maybe it was because she was deaf that she enjoyed watching the puppy bowl. She was not interested in other events but when the puppy bowl was on she was right there watching like in the above photo.
This was a segment with the cats she was watching. So far the puppies have not gone on strike nor do they get salaries. They just want to find a loving and caring home.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Taylor laying in his favorite outdoor spot in the back yard which was next to my lawn chair. He only went out with us and was not left alone out of respect for his past. He was rescued from his owner by a lady who noticed his miserable condition. His owner kept him in a fenced back yard where he lived in a hole he dug for himself. His life wasn't much better at the shelter he was taken to. We had to make major renovations to our cabin just to be able to adopt him as he had arthritis so bad he could hardly walk.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
As with any species there are also birds of lessor qualities like the cowbird. Consider that the cowbird during nesting time will look for a nest, wait until the host leaves for a few minutes and then will lay its egg in the nest and let the host bird hatch it. The cowbird will take out one of the host birds eggs to replace it with her own.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Finally Figured Out Where Holes Came From:
When we first moved here I noticed fairly large holes in the ground that could cause a serious accident if we stepped into them. I also saw a few gopher turtles in the yard and one was even on the deck. I finally put two and two together and those holes were from gopher turtles. They can dig their holes to hide in during the winter and I'll fill them in after they leave.. We like turtles but I also suspect that they ate my rhubarb plants. I don't plan to replant them so they will have to find something else to munch on..
Saturday, February 1, 2025
They Grow So Fast:
This is an elephant that we helped support when it was just a baby who had lost it's mother. It was rescued by Sheldrick Elephant Rescue and this is the same elephant now. My they grow fast. Her name is Naleku.
Friday, January 24, 2025
NC Survivors:
President Trump visited NC and the victims of the hurricane. The stories people came up with and gave him are heartbreaking. One after the other they came to the microphone to tell their stories. They related what we folks here in western NC have known all along - they got no help from FEMA and their help came from citizens and help groups like Samaritans Purse.
This was only a very few number today compared the vast number of those impacted. Finally help has arrived.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Lithium Batteries:
I just learned something new. Lithium batteries are like me; they don't work so well or take a charge when the temperature is below 32 degrees. I couldn't figure out why our golf cart that we use to go down and get the mail wouldn't work or take a charge. I found out that they are affected by the cold.
Monday, January 20, 2025
The snow that we received 10 ago has finally has melted so we can use the driveway again. Three inches of snow lingered long after the last roads were clear due to the fact the trees shade the driveway.
The snow turned to ice and vehicles could not stay safely on the driveway. We could not get out sofo we were housebound during that time. The time was used for rest and recovery.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Dog Issues Part 2:
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Dog Issues:
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Last of Upgrades:
Slowly but surely we are up dating our home. This should be the last addition. The washer and dryer that was here when we bought the house was old and not as energy saving and water efficient as the newer ones.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
2924 Draws To An End:
In spite of the fact that no one can remember when there was a flood like this one they have lost their land. Hurricanes coming on shore this far inland are unheard of but nonetheless their land is still a flood zone.
Politics are not ever worth mentioning as they were crazy this year. My mind is still reeling from all the crazy things going on.
I hope that 2025 brings more sense to our world, wars end and people can learn again to live in peace and to respect each other.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
There are some things that I miss about living in the mountains of Colorado and strapping on snow shoes and going for a hike on 3-5' of snow is one of them. The crisp dry air, the quiet, the trees and the freshness of the snow, the smell of the trees is one of them.
The shoveling of snow is a ways down the list of things I enjoyed along with the wind blowing snow and drifting. In fact those are right at the bottom of the list.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Keeping Warm:
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Memories Of Bozley:
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Getting Mail:
Our mail is delivered to the entrance of our community so we go down in our golf cart to retrieve it. This is Butter, a sweet little dog that most folks ignore. He gravitates to us and we give him as much attention as we can. Most dogs do gravitate to us and have for most of my life. When I was young and had a paper route they did the same. I guess they sense that I love dogs and would not hurt them.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
New Gym Equals Pain:
Friday, November 29, 2024
Senior Fitness:
For most of my life I have received my exercise from lifting weights and running. Several years ago Carol requested that I no longer lift weights as I was older and was injuring myself doing so. I also did not have a spotter to assist if I got in trouble. I hated to give it up but I realized she was right. Living as remote as we did there was no one to work out with and act as spotters for each other.
One day at the gym a guy came over and invited me to lift actual weights as the equipment like this (photo above) didn't give my muscles that good of a workout. I joined 5 other guys that were serious weight lifters. One was a local business owner, another was a minister, another was a retired NFL down lineman who played for the Dallas Cowboys, and the other was a farrier who shoed horses. All very fit and strong and it was an honor to be invited to join them.
Now that I am in my 80's I still need to get exercise so I went back to this type of machine as weight lifting would still be prone to potentially injure me. So this is more suited to my age and will allow me to tone muscles and gain strength. My legs don't allow me to run any longer and if you see me running check behind me because someone or something is chasing me.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Thanksgiving In The USA:
Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a reminder that today is the last chance to set your scales back 10 pounds..
Monday, November 25, 2024
Great Discovery:
At our cabin in the Sangre de Cristo's of Colorado I used to cook on a wood stove that was in our picnic area outside. I discovered that I could make home fries with a spice that was delicious and with a little kick to it. It all had to do with just the right amount of pepper and a spice we got from Dinosaur Bar B Que in Syracuse, NY. The spice is called Cajun Foreplay and those we had over for cowboy breakfast all raved about it and the unique taste. Carol just made it the other day and it tasted good even when cooked indoors.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
a mystery!
I don’t know what kind of bush or plant this is. The flowers come out in the fall and all start out as white! I love it!
40 Feet From The Goodyear Blimp:
When on television they show the Goodyear blimp circle stadiums I recall one time I had a very close up view of the blimp. So close in fact that I could see the people in the blimp and the look on their faces.
It brings back the memory of when I had waded out into a small lake in Deltona Fla. I had discovered this small lake in the back of the community that held some very large black bass. I would catch and release the bass and the smallest one I caught was over 5 pounds.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Canine Health Issues:
I wrote an article for Mother Earth News and it is worth repeating here.
"We live in the mountains with our four German shepherd dogs. Our nearest veterinarian is approximately 45 miles one way and so we often treat our furry family members with homeopathic remedies. These have worked for us in the past, and although I am unable to say that the natural remedies always work, these are worth giving a try.
We feed our guys quality food and they don’t get table scraps or treats that are not good for them. There are numerous articles available that describe human foods that could cause harm to your pets, so this blog will not detail on them.
Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome
One home remedy I can attest to as working is bilberry capsules. Our senior girl, Sarah, suddenly and without warning went blind. One minute she was fine and the next she was totally blind. We took her instantly to our veterinarian who diagnosed SARDS (Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome), which affects only a minute amount of canines and has no cure, nor do they know much about it.
A specialist was consulted and said the damage was permanent and non-reversible. It is believed to be caused by high blood pressure, but even that is uncertain. I wrote a blog about it and a reader wrote that her dog had the same diagnosis and it was suggested she use bilberry capsules as they restored her dogs sight.
Hot Spots
One of our four has suffered with hot spots each summer even though we have cool temperatures at 9,800-foot elevation. We have had him allergy tested, mite tested, and tested extensively and still in the summer he has hot spots. He is not alone, because other dogs I am aware of have the same problem in the summer.
There are several possible causes but the most common is bacteria. Recently a rescue friend told me about something that worked for her dogs who had hot spots: She gave the dogs a pinch of oregano on their food once a day. Most of the time a steroid and antibiotic is prescribed and steroids have a host of side effects that many vets don’t always have to deal with — not the least of which is repeated potty breaks and some lethargia.
Thanks to a TV commercial about using oregano in chickens as opposed to antibiotics, she wondered if it would work on the causes of hot spots as an antibacterial. She said she tried it and noticed immediate results.
I went to the spice cabinet and started our boy on it and also noted he stopped licking and scratching within a couple days. So far, we have not noted any side effects and he has enjoyed some relief from his annual summer hot spots."
Canine Pannus
Two of our four have pannus, which is found in middle-aged German Shepherds but also can occur in other breeds. It is a progressive disease where blood vessels and scar tissue invade the cornea and can, if left untreated, cause ultimate blindness.
Our vet advised us that living at high altitude can be a contributing factor due to the intensity of ultraviolet rays’ impact on the eyes. In the winter when we have snow, the sun and snow glare combined can be harmful to the eyes. We have drops that we use as prescribed by the vet, but the most effective remedy seems to be having them wear dog sunglasses in intense sunlight.
We have seen that by using the sunglasses, the disease does not seem to progress and we don’t have to use eye drops as often. (See photo above.)
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Jobs Well Done:
There are always chores to be done and getting them done as you get older takes longer and is harder. Yesterday we finished up getting our firewood cut to length, split, stacked and covered against the rain. We still have the leaves to deal with but that is clearly not like the work we would have had in Colorado as they are dealing with 4-5' of snow. Most trees are bare now and that is good news. Time to kick back and do something fun.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
We celebrated Carol's birthday by going to play putt putt golf with our daughter and son in law. Have not played putt putt in many years. Sasha made Carol a cake from scratch for the first time ever. It was moist and delicious. We are so proud of her for trying something new and it turning out well. I don't think I have played putt putt golf since my boys were little ones and it sure was humbling.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
We finally were able to burn this pile of leaves and another of equal size. Fewer leaves are falling so maybe we are past the leaf's crisis..
Election Is Over:
President Donald Trump has been announced to be the winner of the election and it appears the Republicans have a majority in the senate and and possibly the house. Hopefully our country will be greater in the future. Hopefully we now have leadership that seeks peace and will restore world respect.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves:
We burned leave today and we still have more to burn (burn barrel to the left in photo). The photo shows what is left and we have one more pile about this size as this was from the driveway. The other pile is from the back yard. As I look at the trees I see much more that has not fallen yet. Our community in Forbes Park is getting hammered already with snow and this is much better to deal with than cold wet snow. So I am not complaining as I have experienced much worse. Have my burn permit from the forest service....
There are only two days left to vote so if you have not already voted, please do so. I am so glad that it is about finally over and we can move on. Robo calls, mail box full of voting material, TV ads, rally's and signs all over the place. I hope that after tomorrow we can read, listen, and see things other than voting and election. It is important for our country as we have two paths to vote for and only one will win. .I hope that our voting system has been fixed and that voting integrity has returned and we can all feel good about the process.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Daylight Savings Time:
An old Indian chief said of daylight savings time: “Only the white man’s government would be so stupid as to cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it onto the bottom, and think they have a longer blanket.”
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Never Ending:
And the leaves don't stop and what we did yesterday needs to be done again today. All we hear from 8:00 to sun down is leaf blowers going. A burn permit is required for N. Carolina and can be obtained on line. It takes me about two minutes to fill one out. We burn the leaves in a metal barrel and don't fill it up so embers don't fly around.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
A new learning experience in dealing n leaves. In Colorado it was snow and here it is leaves. We have been raking and blowing leaves for two days and we are no further ahead than when we started. At least leaves are not cold and wet. We are told accumulated leaves tend to harbor snakes and bugs. At least when they all fall off the trees they will be done for another year but in the meantime it is a new learning experience.