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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shed Improvement:

The shed we inherited when we bought this house/cabin is not insulated and it gets 'pass out' hot in the summer. There is a small window air conditioner but it doesn't put a dent in the heat inside the shed. We bought this one and it will cool the entire shed. Initially I plugged it in but it did not seem to cool very well, but then I read the instructions, which said it had to be vented. Once that was done it worked fine. 

It came from China and it took a while to get here as it had to be cleared at several  custom points of shipping. I still hear some say that things in China are not good quality but I have found what I order has been excellent quality. This A/C unit is no exception. If I had read the directions better it would have worked much better so the fault was mine.  

Monday, July 22, 2024

Range Hood:


Our old range hood sounded like it was grinding coffee when we used the fan. We bought a new one just like the old one and between my neighbor and I we installed it yesterday. The new one is whisper quiet and it only took us an hour to get the job done. It was mostly my neighbor but I did help as it is a two man job. One by one the jobs are getting crossed off the list. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

6 Years Ago Written Post Wildfire:


Things seem to be the same but perhaps worse since the Spring Wildfire:

"What happens when the wildfire goes out and the smoke clears? When the service agencies leave and so does the media and the third largest wildfire in state history is nothing but a statistic.

There were 134 homes reduced to ash and twisted metal and people are still in shock and those who still have homes have to drive by the devastation of blackened trees, grey ash on the ground and the pungent smell left behind or the clouds of ash and dust that blows on the wind.
People are still in shock and have trouble focusing or concentrating with the constant visual reminder of what is now reality.
But little do they realize that the real trauma has already started. Not adjusters who actually are there to help or those who are trying to restore utilities or the electricians, carpenters or plumbers. The real trauma is when the bureaucrats swoop in with all their requirements and rules/regulations. Those heartless [jerks] who never leave their desk or office but impose unrealistic conditions on already victimized citizens in the name of the gov't.
How people can't clear the debris from what was left of their life that is now ash or twisted metal unless they comply with "regulations". It is for their own safety they say with asbestos that could be present. Of course the oldest home in the community was built in 1986, and asbestos was outlawed in the early 70's, so the chance of asbestos is nil...
Normal contractors are not qualified per the gov't to handle ash, concrete or metal. Homeowners have to hire a hazardous asbestos specialist to evaluate, supervise debris removal. Ash has to be wet down and put in 6 mil bags and double bagged. The trash bags at Walmart are just a little over 1 mil thick. 6 mil bags then have to be buried at a landfill a certain depth. Both the bags and the cost to bury them is expensive.
The EPA and OSHA have there unwavering requirements that must be complied to without any variance. 20 years ago before I retired and handled claims a single bag cost was over $35.00, and anyone handling them had to be fully protected in a hazmat suit and mask and trained. When the final cost to dispose of these non toxic materials per bag was tallied up it was super expensive. Then multiply hundreds of bags and factor in the specialized cost of disposing of concrete and metal and remaining wood that may have a minute trace of lead you have 135 super fund sites.
When our traumatized neighbors realize the enormous expense to clear the debris will easily exceed the cost of what it will cost to rebuild their home and the majority exceeds what insurance pays the real meaning of being victimized sinks in. What they have gone through losing everything in a catastrophic wildfire was a walk in the park to what the government bureaucrats are going to put them through. They are about to learn what a totally whimpering victim is really like at the hands of the EPA and OSHA.
We have already been told about the requirements explained above. .FEMA is nowhere to be seen nor any of our politicians who can make the rules abated or less restricted. The fact there is no asbestos in our community means nothing to a pompous bureaucrat because they have their rules and regulations and this is their chance to have real power over hapless citizens which make them seem important. Take a bottom feeding bureaucrat who has a little power and they will make people true victims with their regulations whether they apply or not.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Donut Day:

Years ago I decided to have a donut in the morning as one of the Rx's I take says take with food. The grocery store that I would buy them at decided plain donut's were no longer worth making so I decided to make them myself. I found a recipe on the internet and that was the beginning of home made donuts for us. Carol mixes up the dough and I make the donuts. 
We have been making these for years and I discipline myself to one per day - each morning. I like my donuts better than the ones I can buy so we just keep on making them. Yummy......

Our fur family look forward to donut day as they each get a donut hole...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Adopted Dogs Come With A Cost:

When we adopt a dog from the shelter they come with hidden costs. These are certainly things to keep in mind when you adopt. Whether they were strays or owner surrenders there is a good chance that you will incur vet costs.  Prior owners may have neglected their health and life as a stray is difficult at best. Our move from Colorado to North Carolina disrupted our normal vet visits. Coupled with finding a new vet that we felt comfortable with took some time. 

We are now getting our fur family checked out and we found that the prior owners neglected their teeth and they need some dental cleaning. Carol does brush their teeth and once daily but when they come with dental issues they will need to be addressed. It is very pricey but for their longevity and future good health it needs to be done. That is just one issue that can be addressed and others are skin issues, cysts, or lumps and the list goes on. 

These are all things that are the responsibility of adopting a new family member and should be considered. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Running Out Of Jobs:

I'm starting to get on the downside of jobs.  I have never run low on tasks before. At our cabin in Colorado there was always something that needed to be done - cut, haul, split and stack firewood, shovel snow, stain or seal something outside, etc.  

I am down to a couple major tasks - install gutter guards and frame in and enclose under the deck to keep the dogs from going under there and installing a new range hood. Then I will have to get my fishing license to pass the time. Actually that sounds pretty good to me. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

One by One:


One by one we are getting things done that will make the new home more to our liking. Today is having the septic tank pumped. The guy who pumped it out said it didn't look like it had been pumped before. Tree roots had grown over it and he had to tear a couple good sized roots up to access the interior. He worked quite a while to get it all pumped out and told us with just the two of us we probably wouldn't need it pumped again for 10 years. 

We still have the leaf guards to put up and a flood light to illuminate the fenced in area. We also have a new range hood to install and of course the counter top and sink with a new faucet.  I also have the supplies to enclose under the deck with lattice panels. After that there is little to be done. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Door Knob Day:

 Our new home only has three interior doors and two of the door knobs did not work properly. The one bedroom door knob would somehow lock shut when the door was closed. The other bedroom was about 1/2" off and it would close but not latch. The only one that actually worked was the bathroom door knob. It wasn't until I took that knob off to match the others I just installed that I found it too was about 1/4" off and the new knob would not fit. It is frustrating to see such slopy workmanship. 

Not Our Immediate Neighbors:

 As it turns out the shots and fireworks were coming from those outside our immediate community. They live on the perimeter of our community. It also seems that there is nothing that can be done about it. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Good Nights Sleep:

 Only a few minutes of fireworks last night and we were able to get a nights sleep. It is tradition to celebrate the 4th with some fireworks but in a community where homes are in a neighborhood firing guns is just plain negligent. Handguns and automatic rifles fired in the air or elsewhere can injure or damage. The two nights prior it was probably 33% gunfire and it went on from eight at night to 1:30 AM.  That is a long time to try to comfort  three large dogs in a panic. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bad Neighbors:

We have some neighbors who are terrible and couldn't care less. They are the worst ever that we have experienced. For two nights we have only gotten 4 hours sleep and that includes our fur family. They are shooting off guns until 1:00 AM and those who have talked to them about their behavior are only laughed at. The sheriff has his hands full with major crime and to get help there is going to be a real challenge. 

Our poor little April came into the bathroom and collapsed at 1:30 from exhaustion.- panting. These neighbors were setting off loud explosive fireworks for two nights until well after 1:00 AM plus shooting guns into God knows where. If into the ground we worry about ricochet and if into the air where are they coming down/ Either way they can do harm to people and property. From what I have learned these neighbors have been getting away with this for many years. 

I have been looking at  other houses on Zillo but we are just getting this house like we want it. We are old and moving is not something we want to do but these neighbors have been confronted by others we understand and then it only gets worse. We struggle to understand why people are like this especially in a neighborhood that only has 17 homes. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Not Everyone Enjoys Fireworks:

 They started two nights and days ago and I am told that they will continue until this weekend is over. During the day it is gunshots - some as close as 75 yards away. A neighborhood is no place to be shooting guns, especially with all the rocks in our mountain terrain. Ricochet is very likely and that will kill or injure as well as being aimed at and shot. I fear for our dogs and Carol who walk through the neighborhood. 

Fireworks went until almost 1:00 AM and the shots from gunfire were part of the endless explosions. All three of our dogs are seriously afraid of the loud explosions. April totally loses her mind and tries to dig her way to safety or a place to hide. Klaus is equally afraid and tries to get into small places where he does not fit. Lucy hides under the bed .shaking and panting. Calming agents do not relieve their fear. Nothing we do seems to calm or help them.

This appeared to be a nice neighborhood but I now have second thoughts with all the gunfire through the day.  Especially when I see what it does to our dogs and how they react. I am questioning whether this is the right place for us anymore. I am tolerant of celebrating the 4th but this is far more frequent than that and I am concerned about our family going outside with idiots who seem to lack common sense. It happens at times other than on the 4th or New Years, in fact almost every week. 

As nice as this neighborhood appears it is not worth living here when I see what negligence does to our dogs and us. I have been  shot at before but I always had a weapon to fire back. That is not the case here. I have some serious evaluating to do. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Old vs New:

Bottom photo is our old tub insert and the top photo is the new shower that we had installed. What a difference and safer too. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024



I was weed eating yesterday and a wasp nest was hidden in a bush. I was into the nest before I saw it and the wasps were pretty angry. The nest was about the size of a basketball. This photo was taken from about 15 feet away which is why it seems small. I was able to get away from the angry wasps - but for one who got me on the hand. Those stings really are painful. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DE Works.

 I had a chance yesterday. I went outside and there were ants everywhere. I noticed a whole colony of ants moving their nest so I went and got some DE and started at the end  of the colony and worked my way to the new nest location. In 30 minutes there was no sign of any of the ants. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

New Work Bench:

 Harbor Freight had this work bench on sale and the three drawers enabled me to finally get my hand tools out of  the box where I can now find them. I ended up leaving my other bench in Colorado and gave it to a good friend. I have sorely missed not having a bench to work on. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

New Kitchen Light:

 We had an antler light in the kitchen when we moved in and it did not go with the look we wanted. We  wanted a fan with lights so we found this light and it seemed perfect. Our neighbor was good enough to install it for us and now Carol has a light and fan in the kitchen. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Mixing bowl half full of blueberries. This is the second picking.  More to come as they still need to ripen. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Diatoms' - Diatomaceous Earth


A diatom is a one celled plant so tiny that it must be magnified thousands of times to be visible. I had to borrow the above photo because they are so minute special camera equipment is needed to photo them. They live in such quantiles that they outweigh the total of land plants combined. Diatoms take the minerals out of water and build a protective shell. As they die they build up on the bottom of the water and can be hundreds of feet thick.

The diatom shell is a tiny cylinder that is full of holes. Like a rice Chex cereal only microscopic. They have a negative charge and the holes are just the correct size to absorb positive charged matter. So what does this have to do with anything? It has everything to do if you have insect problems. It is so fine that when sprinkled it drifts in the air being smaller and lighter than talcum powder. The positive charge generated by insects like mites, flea's, ants and virtually any other hard body insect collects the negatively charged diatoms, and due to the diatoms construction they cut and lacerate the body of the insect and they die of dehydration.

 It is sometimes referred to as DM which is short for Diatomaceous Earth. Be sure to use food grade DM as the untreated DM may have things in it that are not as safe for the health of people and animals. We have used it now for a few years and can safely say it works - we are now believers. Some people who raise chickens dust them with DM for mites. You can dust dogs and cats for fleas or mites. You will not see instant results as in spraying some of those toxic chemicals that attack the nervous system and are harmful to people and animals. They do kill though and completely. I have wondered why DM hasn't been used on bed bug infestations but I have not seen it advertised for that purpose.

So if you have flea, mite, ant or any other insect problem consider food grade DM, not the stuff used in swimming pools as it not as safe to use. It works without exception, it is superior to chemical sprays and much safer. We purchased a huge bag several years ago and have hardly dented the contents. We buy ours from Wolf Creek Ranch in California. Go to web site is loaded with the many uses and safety of the product.

It is a safe and effective way to handle pests and won't damage or destroy the environment in the process. I believe you will also find it is much cheaper than the chemical sprays also

Monday, June 17, 2024

Grass Grows Fast:

 It seems that the grass grows very fast here unlike in the mountains of Colorado. We get more rain for one thing and sun. In Colorado I would mow the grass around the house maybe two times a year but here the temperatures are sufficient that grass/weeds grow faster. 

With all the rocks and steep terrain a weed eater is the weapon of choice for cutting weeds and grass. It seems that much of my time is spent with a weed eater. This time in Colorado it would be getting in firewood. I think this is easier.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Doggy Pool:


We bought the fur family a swimming pool. Lucy when she figured it out was jumping in and out. The other two dogs would not go in it at all. Lucy tried her best to get them to try it out but they would not have anything to do with it. We will see if time and some mustered up courage will entice them in. 

Blueberry Picking:

 Blueberries are starting to ripen so I picked some this morning. I have found the ones we buy in the grocery store are tasteless but these fresh off the bush are not only tasty but crisp and fresh. What a treat....

Thursday, June 13, 2024


I have been watching a pair of cardinals fly back and forth to a tree we have at the corner of our driveway. They fly back and forth all day long and the only break they seem to have as they search for another insect. Soon we will have some juvenal cardinals testing their wings around the front of the house.  Both the cardinals work tirelessly all day feeding their babies. 

Some of the neighbors just outside our community raise free range chickens and so they are all over the community. There is a hen that has little fluffy chicks and each time we drive past her the chicks hide under her protective wings. She knows how to raise her chicks and has them on good feed. Much to be admired by watching the birds. 

Then we have this local woman who drown her twins in a bath tub. She is facing the death penalty. Much to be learned from watching the birds. Some humans can be cruel and heartless. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

One Very Large Spider:

 This is one very large spider that we found on the deck.   This spider is easily 2.5  inches  in diameter.  He was allowed to live for another day. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

More Cold Storage:

 We bought a small dorm size refrigerator to be able to store more cold food. The area in the kitchen is small and only allows for a small size refrigerator. So to compensate we bought a second small refrigerator and put it in the basement so we would have enough room for cold food. 

Example - when we bought a watermelon we had to give half of it away as there was no room to store the melon in the upstairs refrigerator. This little refrigerator solves so many problems.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

Chiggers - Red Bugs:


When we lived in Florida we had to deal with chiggers.  They are an aggravation and their bites are annoying and itch like mad. The little bugs are so tiny that they are hard to see when they get on you. We have discovered that they have chiggers here in North Carolina also. These little bugs can make your life miserable. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Klaus Chillin Out:

 Mine by night and Klaus' by day..

Monday, June 3, 2024

Spring Surprises Abound:


It seems that we find things daily that surprise us. These day lilies have  bloomed all along the driveway in front of the house. Soon the blueberry bushes will be rip to pick. Carol brought one in yesterday to show me it was getting blue.  The cherries off the tree were a special yummy treat.  I haven't seen any signs of apples on the apple tree yet. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024



By comparison when we received rain in Colorado - if we got an inch the roads would wash out and also part of our tractor trail. Here when it rains we get up to 3-6' and only then does it wash out the roads. It happens often here whereas in Colorado it was infrequent. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Carpenter Bee/Wasp Traps:

 The photo of the above wasp trap was highly rated and I hung out two of them. So far: 

Trap    0

Bruce  5

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I miss many things from our Colorado homestead but I miss being able to pick raspberries from the bushes. They were so tasty and fresh. Here we have blackberry bushes,  a cherry tree, and  an apple tree. The cherries are out of this world and no apples have appeared on the apple tree yet, Those raspberries were so very good though. 

Anal Fistula:


A  few months ago Lucy was diagnosed with an Anal Fistula. She has been on medication ever since.  It seems to be working and has mostly resolved. She was initially on several prescriptions but they have slowly tapered to two. She also has to have a special ointment applied to her anus twice daily. It has to be rubbed in so she does not lick it off if she has any anus irritation. 

That duty falls to me and she will have that applied for the rest of her life. It too will be diminished over time but presently it will remain two times a day. I can state that during these last few months by massaging that salve on her anus we have developed a much closer and more meaningful bond. Yesterday she came over and sat next to me and looked up with the most loving and admiring look I have ever seen from any of our fur family members. 

I have already gone through a box and a half of nytril gloves and this is not something I thought I would be doing in my senior years, however, it is done out of a love for Lucy and all our dogs. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Box Turtle:

 Found this turtle in the back yard yesterday. Actually the dogs found him and were sniffing him through the fence.. I have not seen a turtle for many years..

Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Three years ago today Ruby left for doggy heaven. We adopted her as a senior and found that she was deaf. We learned to communicate with her by hand signals but regret that she never heard our voices but she did know she was very much loved.

Mama And Baby:

 At the end of the road into the community (of 17 homes) is a gentlemen that keeps goats, chickens  and ducks.  This mama just had a baby which is cuteness personified. The duck is just following along.

Memorial Day:


Friday, May 24, 2024

Land Snails:

 We see a lot of empty snail shells around and some still occupied. These little snails carry parasites and I believe that they are what ate the new leaves on some rhubarb plants I planted. Rhubarb is toxic to warm blooded mammals like voles, mice etc.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tufted Titmouse:

 We have three bird houses out and yesterday one of the babies took to flight. They are so funny as its wings go so fast and they barely can stay airborne. It flew into the window and I went out to be sure it was okay and then it flew up to the railing, then to the tree limb in front of the house. I have to say its landings were very funny. It couldn't get both legs on the limb to perch but it will learn. 

Cherry Tree:

I checked our cherry tree right next to the deck and it had cherries but one was lower than the other so I picked it. They are so sweet and tasty. I wish I could reach higher.....

One By One:

Being new to a 40 year old house we realize that it has its issues. The light in the basement had a string hanging down and the darn thing froze up. Our good neighbor had some electrical supplies on hand and he rewired the lights so we can now turn the basement light on with a switch.  So much easier than groping around for that string. Great neighbor.  

Saturday, May 18, 2024

What Next:

Poison ivy has struck and Carol was the victim. She went to urgent care and they gave her a shot in the rear and wrapped her arms in gauze. Spiders, snakes, scorpions, chiggers, carpenter bees and poison ivy and oak are all things we have to look out for now. In Colorado the dangerous things had fangs/claws and were large enough to recognize that they could hurt us. Not so much here.  

Friday, May 17, 2024


 I have managed to kill 4 carpenter bees and I don't know if there are more but if I were to speculate I think there are more, perhaps many more. I did a little research and found there are traps for wasps and carpenter bees. I chose the ones with the highest rating and ordered three. Now I will see if they work as good as they claim they do. These nasty critters don't seem to fly around in the rain and it has rained since I have put them up. The forecast is rain 9 out of the next 10 days. I have never seen so much rain, Last week we got 4.5" in a single day. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Major Yum:


Carol is making home made lemon pepper noodles. I love home made noodles especially these.. Can't wait until lunch tomorrow. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 The photo above is of Klaus and April. Klaus was adopted about two years ago and he had spent much of his life in the shelter. For some reason black dogs don't seem to adopt out like other dogs. The best I could describe his attitude was indifferent. Some dogs who have not spent so much time at the shelter get excited but some like Klaus who have been surrendered two times just seemed to be resigned to shelter life. 

It also takes them more time to realize that they have actually found their new forever home/family. When that time finally comes the personality comes out and you see a new and wonderful fur family member. Our attitude is when we adopt a dog from a shelter they will not go back - ever!  We will work through any issues they may have until they are safe, comfortable and adjusted in their forever home. 

What we get in return can't be measured as the love, devotion and loyalty is beyond measureIt brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it and writing this. Initially Klaus was surrendered with his mother and after an extended time in the shelter he was reclaimed by his original owner. He was then surrendered a second time shortly after he had been claimed again and spent much more time in the shelter. 

Two years after we adopted him I saw another dog at the shelter that looked just like him. Same story that she had been surrendered two times. The next morning we were at the shelter and adopted April who turned out to be Klaus' mother. When April was brought out and the two of them saw each other I have never witnessed such joy and happiness. The photo above shows just how much they care for each other and both are without doubt secure with us and happy.

As we made the drive across country to our new home they were uncertain about the experience but they were with us and we made the trip as short as possible with as few stops as possible. That trip cemented our bond together and they fully realized they would be with us and we would stay together. 

People need to realize that shelter dogs have already had a terrible experience and they need time to adjust to a new home. NEVER take a dog back because it is just devastating to them.. In time love and tender care will heal them and you will end up with a fur family member that is such a total reward.