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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Springtime in Colorado - by Bruce

Bozwell and Sarah getting ready for their evening game of keep away. Bozwell invented the game and made the rules which Sarah picked up on quickly. It could be that he will pick up a rubber stick, stone, ball or whatever and he will take off with it and Sarah will try to catch him. If he is successful in keeping it away for awhile and it looks like she is getting discouraged he will come up within a couple feet of her and drop it, then the stare down begins and at a point I haven't been able to figure out, he will suddenly grab it and take off. Sarah will be right on his heels. They are a delight to watch play and this is play time unless it is too hot. In the winter Bozwell will get a chunk of snow which he always seems to lose if he puts it down. You will notice that there is not much grass in the back yard at this time of year but when we get a couple rains it will start popping up. That is Carol in the background bringing up a watering can full of water.

Here is yours truly hand watering his garden. This particular box contains lettuce but three other boxes contain, zucchini, spinach, swiss chard and radishes. We get the water from a stream that starts on our property and runs down the mountain into a ditch by the edge of the road and then down the ditch to a culvert. We collect it as it comes out the end of the culvert in 5 gallon buckets, haul it back home and then pour it though a sieve into a 55 gallon barrel. From there we then pump it out by hand; 24 pumps to fill a 2 1/2 gal. sprinkling can and then carry it to the plants needing water. It is a two person job, with me filling the buckets at the culvert, Carol hauling them up the road bank to the trailer. Then I fill the drum as she carries the buckets to me. She also pumps the water out, and brings me the sprinkling can. Sounds like she does most of the work as I write this. Hmmmm, better not let on or she will have me doing more...LOL.

Above is a photo from a meadow in our area. These are wild iris and they grow abundantly and wild all over our area. Some places they will cover as much as half an acre. It is one of the beautiful flowers that grow in our meadows. Hopefully soon the columbine will come out in full bloom. They are the same color but far more detailed and intricate. When the wild flowers start to bloom it simply lifts your spirits to look out upon the meadows or woodland and see so much raw beauty.

The morning walk did not produce any more wild animals or birds. It is that way sometimes and we will go without seeing anything and then every where we turn will be a new experience. If we are fortunate we will have the camera along but holding onto a dog and taking a shot can be tricky. More later.

1 comment:

Mike McFall said...

Thanks bruce for filling us in on some of things in your life that you do... It is interesting to us that have not experienced it...

I'm wondering what strange beautiful creature (animal) you will run into next....soon we will know!!!!!
good Job....