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Saturday, June 26, 2010

STOP and smell the roses:

Here are three photo's from our front yard. On our morning walk today Carol commented that we seem to have more wild roses this year. I agree with that because everywhere we look there are beautiful wild roses. This top photo is a close up of those wonderful smelling wild flowers.
This second photo shows the yellow wild flowers and some roses mixed in. These photos should warm the heart of all those who grow roses. You fertilize them, water them, powder them, and trim and care for them. Ours just grow where ever they want and nature controls them. I wanted to get these photo's before all the bugs are on the flowers. I spend my time cutting fire wood and nature takes care of her own.
More wild roses in our front yard. If I tried to cultivate these roses I would be working against nature. These are wild and in perfect accord with nature. A host of bugs, and birds thrive on these numerous bushes and in the late summer deer feed on the wild rose hips. It is really a beautiful cycle if you just stop and take the time to observe it.

We had our first bear in the back yard yesterday but he was very camera shy. No sense taking a photo of him running away; seen one bear rump you've seen them all. Also got an e-mail to be on the look out for a mountain lion last seen headed our way. Summer is finally here.

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