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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pack Rat - Day Three

 Mrs. pack rat made it through two traps before becoming over confident on trap number three.  One down and now the male to go.  They usually come in pairs so the male may have been the one that tripped the live trap right about dark last night.  Mrs pack rat bit the bullet at 4:38 this morning as I hear the trap snap and looked at the clock.
Actually pack rats aren't much different that humans inasmuch at they clean out one trap,  (get away with one thing) then maybe another ( get away with something else)  and get over confident, and then that over confidence catches up with them -SNAP - and their crime wave is over.  Sort of reminds me of some people I know in our community who sooner or later get careless and their world comes 'snapping' down on them.  She could have chosen the live trap and merely been relocated.  But passed that trap  for the easy pickings and ended up with rye neck.  So Eugene don't wait up for Mary Bess as she won't be coming home tonight.  The war has begun....


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I'm glad that I don't have pack rats, well other than me. I have had to think a lot more than I thought I would to stay ahead of animals. I don't use the term dumb animal after living out in nature for over a decade.

Robert said...

I hope the assoc. president and his gang are reading your stories. I believe there may be a lesson to be learned here. When you steal, you will eventually get caught. The non existent Mary Wilson is down for the count. Now it is time for her husband. Congratulations!

Barbara said...

Truly hated seeing the picture of the dead rat! What a way to go! Disturbing but sometimes one has to do what one has to do. I can understand that. It might just be me, but the picture bothered me. Sorry! Barbara

Bruce said...

Sorry Barbara: Didn't want to offend but these guys sure do cause tons of damage. Eat the wiring harness insulation in vehicles, rubber hoses, the gas line pipe to my BBQ grill, all my flowers, gooseberry bush, currant bush, and on and on. I tried to get them in the live traps but they are to smart for those. Didn't mean to offend but happiness over ruled good judgement sometimes.

Patricia said...

Don't feel too bad about having to kill the critter. You did give it the option of being relocated - just as we've given certain people the opportunity to come clean. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to rid the world of rats. Kind of brings to mind the thoughts of one Rooster Cogburn (True Grit) who observed that you can't serve a writ on a rat - you have to shoot him or let it be.