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Sunday, August 26, 2012


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Barbara said...

Perfect.......just perfect! Barbara

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We have a couple months until wood burning starts, I have had the winter supply stacked since late winter. That gives me a little time to set down near the spring and reflect, kind of in between garden work and getting ready for winter.

Janie said...

Bruce is such a good writer. The picture of you on top of the mountain is great. J Being on top of the world brings a different perspective, for sure. That’s what I feel when I sit on a beach watching waves roll in, hour after hour. We can get up pretty high on our nearest volcano – Mt. Baker. I think the parking lot, which is only open a few months of the year, is at around 9000 feet, although the peak doesn’t seem all that far above us – Mt. Baker is just a smidge over 10,000 feet. We were on top of Mt. Haleakala in Maui, THAT was an amazing place. Desolate, huge, cold and crisp. Mountains are very inspiring, though I will always head toward the ocean. J