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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mount Lindsey today/taken by Leland Dirks


Jane said...

Awesome! THANKS for sharing!!!!

Pat said...

What a gorgeous photo!

Patricia said...

Really pretty. Is that what heaven looks like? I think so.

Anonymous said...

That view must be from near Trinchera Ranch or east of the area. Leland lives a few miles below us in SDCR, and his home perspective is west of this photo, more of Blanca/Little Bear with Lindsay to the east. Of course, this could be a different Leland (I only know my neighbor's first name), or he could be taking photos around the area, or he could be using a telephoto lense, excluding the dominant central peak, "Blanca". Regardless, it's certainly a beautiful photo, and all of us who choose to live up here are blessed with daily ever-changing beauty of the Sangre de Cristo mountains. Thanks for posting it.

Carol said...

this is undoubtedly the same Leland...and he said it was Lindsey so I took his word for it. whatever it is, it's a beautiful photo. he posts many photos on his Facebook page and has given me permission to share them on this blog. i am glad that you are enjoying the blog..and the photos!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol. It is indeed Mt Lindsey.. the photo looks like it's taken from a vantage point a little east of here. It's indeed beautiful. We do enjoy your blog and look forward to meeting you two down in Ft Garland.