In the photo above there are four empty stakes and about a third of a row on stake 5. That is the amount of firewood burned to date and we have roughly 9 cords remaining for the rest of the winter. This is when we enjoy all that effort throughout the summer when we cut, split and stack the firewood for the cold season. When we are done with the cold season and no longer need to have a fire in the wood stove we will have burned all that is in the photo and much of what is in the wood shed.
Nice to sit back and see all that earlier work and watch the snow fall outside, confident we have enough firewood for the winter. It is nice and comfortable in the house as I write this and that is the new log splitter covered with a tarp in the background just waiting for next summer.
1 comment:
Bruce this is impressive. I thought you might find some calculations and estimates I did on your energy savings interesting. If you burn 12 cords of wood per year;(ponderosa pine) yields 180Mbtu total output.
With propane yielding 0.09133Mbtu per gallon, you would need to burn almost 2000 gallons a year to produce the same amount of heat. I don't know what the price of delivered propane is in that area, but at $3/gal, you are saving $6000/year cutting your own firewood. This does not allow for the cost of chainsaw maint, oil and fuel for truck etc. On the other hand it does not allow for they benefits of working and exercising outdoors and the sense of accomplishment in gathering your own energy. Using what nature readily provides to us as a renewable resource to heat our homes make good sense and economics to me too.
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