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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Doing What Is Important - by Sakoieta

It seems like most of our efforts follow the scrambled egg approach with everything being thrown in together, whipped up and beaten without much real substance. Things we do overlap too much, sleep lets worry in, eating is not prepared but brought in containing ingredients totally beyond our knowing of what is in our food. Talking is not any more than being boastful and empty chatter to fill air space and time. Even prayer and thanksgiving is too often relegated to listening to someone else who knows how. What ever we do should be done with all of our hearts, and not done so we can feel important and seen by running here and running there, but done for the sake of caring, love and definitely not for competition. Who we are, what we are, where we are going and when we get there what we will do has more to do with the mind, heart and spirit, than how people see us and who sees us.


Bruce said...

Comment by Pat:
Once again, Sakoieta hits the nail right on the head…

Carol said...

so very, very true.......