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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Making Informed Decisions

The second and final in the series on cleaning your own chimney vs having it done by a chimney sweep was published on Mother Earth News today. After reading both articles it may provide readers with enough information both ways to decide what is best for you. I'm just plain old fashioned and like to do it myself but the day is coming that I will have to seek the services of a professional chimney sweep. The second article can be found at:


Anonymous said...

Good job telling folks about! You can learn alot on the internet but, a little bit of knowloge can be dangerous. One more thing to note, we have several clients that service their own chimney but, they have us come out every few years to sweep and inspect to be on the safe side. Remember, it's a fire in your house!
Albert Bailitz
Albert the Chimney Sweep CSIA 2402

Anonymous said...

Good job telling folks about! You can learn alot on the internet but, a little bit of knowloge can be dangerous. One more thing to note, we have several clients that service their own chimney but, they have us come out every few years to sweep and inspect to be on the safe side. Remember, it's a fire in your house!
Albert Bailitz
Albert the Chimney Sweep CSIA 2402