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Friday, December 19, 2014


Won't be posting for a couple weeks due to injured finger. Here is what I pecked out to FB friends below.
"Dumb!!!!!! was taking the trash to the dumpster. Got there and all the doors were frozen shut. One set was open about 6" and a rock lay on the ground so I figured someone else had used it to crack the ice to open the door so I picked it up to give the door a tap too. Some how my finger got between the rock and the steel door. Smashed my 2nd finger tip and crushed the bone. The ER doc. sewed it back up as good as he could but the finger was in too many pieces to put it all back together. Won't be on FB for awhile -can only type with one finger."


Bruce said...

comment by Jane: Triple ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrgggggghhhhhhhhh—that hurts, Bruce!!!!!!!!!! Good grief L will be praying for a speedy recovery and no pain L ouch – I think I’ll be wincing for awhile now…..

Bruce said...

comment by Skip: That's a pretty sorry looking Christmas present. That will certainly slow down your typing. Skip

Bruce said...

comment by Sakoieta: So type slow and that will allow me to read slow as well. Hope it heals well.

JennielynnfromMilton said...

Oh no! I always get an email of your posts, which I read and then file under "Favorite Stories". But, this time I had to write to you and offer my condolences and wish you a speedy recovery. Selfishly, I look forward to your posts and will miss them until you are well enough and feel like writing again.

In the mean time, Merry Christmas to you and yours, and thank you for all you have shared with us.

Jennie Storch

Bruce said...

Thank you Jennie. I hope to be back posting in a couple weeks. The Dr. said yesterday the finger was healing good. Merry Christmas to you and yours too and Happy New Year...

Bruce said...
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