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Monday, April 22, 2019

Controller or Brains For Heater

The electric company came and installed a 'brain' or control box that tells the new electrical thermal heater when to run and when to draw power during non peak hours at a less rate than normal. It is connected directly to the electrical meter. So far it runs when it is non peak hours at a lesser cost per kilowatt hour than we normally pay. The unit is guaranteed for 5 years and we pay an additional $30. per month that includes any service calls that we may require.
It seems to me it is a pretty cost efficient method of heat and should take much of the burden of cutting, hauling, splitting and stacking so much firewood. We have it set where it comes on during the early morning hours and when we get up the house is a comfortable 66-67 degrees. We can then get a wood fire going and it gets the house up to a comfortable daytime level. We just let the wood stove burn out after supper so we no longer have to feed it throughout the night. 

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