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Monday, April 15, 2019

New Heater

For 22 winters we have cut, hauled, split and stacked firewood. Always between 9-12 cords. This year we used an extraordinary amount of firewood. We usually have 9-12 cords in case of a severe winter and this year we used more than usual. At our age it gets progressively harder each year to get that amount of firewood in. We knew this and that is why we started harvesting firewood at the far end of our property so as we became older we wouldn't have to go so far for firewood.

We still plan to harvest firewood but don't think we will require as much with the new electric thermal system (ETS) an electric heater with ceramic blocks that are heated at night and store the heat for the day time. It is the most efficient source of heat we could find and is energy efficient. We drove to Walsenburg and brought it home last week and got it installed (Carol and I) today. With the shortages of propane gas each year it seems that was not the way to go.

This unit will heat 900 sf, and we can use the wood stove much less now. It is not the primary source of heat but it will supplement the wood stove which we still love. The ETS is electronically controlled and cost $1,300.00 to purchase and about 2 hours to get set up. Carrying it upstairs was the hardest part and the remainder was going step by step with the directions to get it ready to program. We are hopeful it will take some of the strain off getting firewood this year for next winter.

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