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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Struggling Hummingbirds

The hummingbirds are struggling to get enough sugar water with the weather conditions. It is blizzard outside, snow, wind and 24 degrees. I am rotating the hummingbird feeders and bring them in by the wood stove to thaw out. Then it is time to switch them around again. Those little guys must be wondering if they didn't get their wires crossed on migration time this year.

So far we only have a few inches of snow but it continues to come down steadily. This has been an unpredictable winter here in the mountains. So far we have received a total of 288" of snow and it is hard telling how much this storm will dump on us. At this point I'm just hoping I don't have to replant my garden as the tiny plants were just poking through the soil.

I'm thinking it was good when the snow had all melted away earlier that we spent our time on getting the firewood in because we are using that wood now.

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