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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Annual Turkey Visit

Each year about this time when we go outside we hear a singular Jake gobble every few minutes. He starts each year down lower from our cabin and progresses higher and higher. He just covers this small area where we live. He will persistently gobble until he finds a hen that will reply then he will strut his stuff and facilitate more new turkeys.  I have heard him go on for several weeks patiently waiting for a hen to respond. His enthusiasm never wains and he just keeps going until he finds his hen regardless of how long it takes.

His patience and persistence reminds me of a joke I heard many years ago. A college professor was teaching a sex education class and to determine what his students were about he asked them to raise their hand if they had sex every night. Several responded and then he asked how about every other night? More hands went up and he went on, how about once a week? Fewer hands went up and he went on, how about once a month? A few more hands went up and he asked how many every six months?  A small number of hands went up so he went on and asked how about once a year?  Just a couple of hands went up and he finally ask how about every two years? One guy towards the back of the auditorium jumped up waving his hands and jumping around and the professor asked him when he settled down, how come you are so excited over every two years?  The guy answered - tonight is the night.. Tonight is THE NIGHT!! That kind of reminds me of our Jake turkey...he just keeps on walking around gobbling and sooner or later he will find his hen and his day will be a very happy one..

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

That is so funny! Turkeys are such weird and beautiful creatures.