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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

All Out War

 This time of year we have pack rats trying to get inside or under the house. So far in the past week I have caught 7 in a live trap and I release them where there are no other houses.  These rodents can cause a lot of damage if they get under the hood of your vehicle where they chew up wiring harnesses and vacuum lines. Cute as they are they are destructive. The other one stumbled into a snap trap.

So far it is Bruce 8 and pack rats 1. I released one and as he jumped from the live trap I heard him say "race you home" and he ran under the Jeep and disappeared. Pack rat 1..... I set two live traps each night and am constantly looking for their nest area and any way they can dig under the house. 

As cute as they are they are destructive and smell terrible. Some years we trap and relocate up to 17 of them. 


stratarealm said...

You need an owl or a hawk in your area. That might keep the population under control.

Caddie said...

No rat love coming from me. Thousands $ damage before I knew what was what. Yours may be cute, mine were not. I hate rats!