This is a blog that I wrote for Mother Earth News but after I finished it I didn't think it was suitable for MEN so I am publishing it here. It is strictly my opinion from our remote homestead.
Together We Stand - Divided We Fall:
Even though our nearest neighbor is almost one mile away we are affected by the limitations of this virus. Some do not take it seriously and flaunt wearing a mask or social distancing. I am not one of those who is willing to take those risks. I take it very seriously and projections now are as many as 500,000 may die from this virus. In a time where it seems everyone is offended by one thing or another, some are offended by mentioning it originated in China and want to change the subject or argue semantics when discussing the Covid 19 virus. Even to the point of how deaths are counted.
Virtual Holiday Gatherings:
I can not speak for other states as I don’t believe much of what I read on social media nor do I watch the fearful news that is spewed non stop. I do get regular notices from our Governor's office and even those are alarming. We are warned that if we intend to spend any time with others outside our household that we should quarantine two weeks before the holiday and two weeks after. To avoid family gatherings we are told that we could cook and eat dinner with family on line. Or we could play a game virtually with others on line and these would be safe methods.
Virus Statistics:
Statistics tell me this is a serious virus. It is reported that 1 person in every 41 persons in our state are infected with the virus. Therefore, if we have a gathering of 10 people we stand the chance of 1 in 4 being infected with the virus. Also we are presented with the figure that 40% of those who are infected have no symptoms. Many of us have been sheltering in place since March, 2020 already and now we are told to avoid groups and continue to shelter in place and discontinue family gatherings to lessen the spread of this virus. In addition we are told that even when a vaccine is developed we will have to continue to wear masks and social distance well into next year and possibly beyond.
Entire Citizenry Impacted:
We are told to put gatherings with our families and friends on hold until this virus can be controlled. That one day, sometime in the future, we will be able to be together with family and friends again. All this raises questions in my mind as to just how effective this new vaccine will be. I have observed that it doesn’t matter how we live - remotely like we do - or in a city or more populous area we are all impacted by this virus. Everything has changed from how we gather as a family to how we shop and work.
Family Dynamic:
We are able to stay in touch with family via FaceTime on our cell phones but that is not equal to having a family member present where you can talk and do things together. This virus and the restrictions imposed by those in authority are potentially destructive to the family dynamic and structure. Limitations are imposed on us like having a virtual holiday feast together online. I’m not sure I know what a virtual holiday meal tastes like but I don’t like it already.
Making Reasonable Suggestions:
Our leadership tells us not to gather as a family but they go and gather with their families for a holiday feast. What they should be telling us is that if we gather as a family on a holiday that we should be mindful of the virus and take precautions. To gather at a family member’s house that has ample room to socially distance. Perhaps set up tables in two or more rooms where we are not sitting right next to each other. Possibly serve the meal on trays where we can be suitably apart and safe. To wash our hands more frequently and hold gatherings to a single day and not for extended stays. Hold gatherings out of doors if the weather allows and wear our facemasks.
Offering Suggestions - Not Restrictions:
Seems to me our leadership doesn’t give us citizens credit for being able to think for ourselves. Also, that some don’t want to live by the same standards they impose on us. There are numerous ways to still keep the family structure without letting those in authority destroy the fabric of our families. Instead of making highly restrictive rules for us to follow they could be offering suggestions or ways to spend holidays together safely. I read that one state even imposed rules if the citizens exceeded the allowed number in a gathering where they would be arrested and fined; requesting their neighbors to report them.
If In Doubt - Test:
I don’t believe any citizen wants to infect a family member or others on purpose. That just defies human decency and common sense. If there is any doubt, people can be tested before a family gathering and if infected - but displaying no symptoms - they can self isolate, and others not infected, can take the standard precautions like wearing a mask, social distancing and frequent hand washing. We need to plan ahead and then act responsibly. This virus is deadly but the destruction of our family system is more destructive in my opinion. It doesn’t matter where or how we live, we are all equally impacted by this virus.
If people would just love, respect and treat each other like we love and treat our pets it would be a more safe and sane world to live in.
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