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Wednesday, March 17, 2021


We had 20" of new snow Sunday and Monday morning and just got that cleared yesterday. As we finished it started snowing again and we had another 18" which we will be several days clearing. The forecast is for 4 clear days and then 5 days of snow. Not unusual for this time of year. 
Highway 160 is closed from Walsenburg to Ft. Garland so the road crew can't get to our area to start work on our roads. Top photo is our back yard which has snow piles higher than the 6" fence. Bottom photo is of Carol with the snow thrower.


Last year this time we had 180" of total snow accumulation. This year we have had 233" to date. Good moisture for summer. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That’s incredible. This has been one heck of a winter for a lot of people.