Many of us citizens are appalled and angered over the changes being forced upon us over the WOKE culture. Our food labels, businesses and various other changes being demanded by these people. I recently heard one person say our constitution is racist. As I reflect back I first noticed the change over 35 years ago in the church we were attending. We came in one Sunday and I noticed the hymnals were all new. I didn't pay much attention until I also noticed that many of the old hymns were not included in the new version.
I then noticed the new hymnals made no reference to gender. God rest you merry gentleman was now God rest you merry persons. As I thumbed through the hymnal I noticed my favorite hymn was gone. I used to read that hymn to myself before any service to focus on why I was really there. I never heard it sung but the words had an impact on me. It was written by a philosopher and Bishop in early times: Synesius 375-430 AD. I asked about the old hymnals and was told they were in the back to be thrown out. I ask if I could have one and was told I could have them all if I wanted. I went back and took the 417th hymn out and taped it in my bible and I read it often.
We must learn from our collective history, not erase it. Getting tired of this "wokeness also.
I just posted on FB about woke....this is one of my fav anthems that I am sure is no longer in that hymnal....
1 Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory,
to thee all knees are bent, all voices pray;
thy love has blessed the wide world's wondrous story
with light and life since Eden's dawning day.
2 O Holy Father, who hast led thy children
in all the ages, with the fire and cloud,
through seas dry-shod, through weary wastes bewild'ring
to thee, in rev'rent love, our hearts are bowed.
3 O Holy Jesus, Prince of Peace and Savior,
to thee we owe the peace that still prevails,
stilling the rude wills of our wild behavior,
and calming passion's fierce and stormy gales.
4 O Holy Ghost, the Lord and the Life-giver,
thine is the quickening power that gives increase;
from thee have flowed, as from a pleasant river,
our plenty, wealth, prosperity, and peace.
5 O Triune God, with heart and voice adoring,
praise we the goodness that doth crown our days;
pray we that thou wilt hear us, still imploring
thy love and favor, kept to us always.
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