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Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Perils of a Common Interest Association: Part 1


We bought our property from Forbes Corp. in 1978 as a potential retirement home. It has been my opinion that when things start out badly they rarely get better. It is not impossible but usually my observation is that when things start badly they usually end badly. This blog is about the history of the association that I have personal knowledge of.  

Forbes ran the association with its personnel who were knowledgeable and professional. Not everyone agreed that it was being run fairly. There were a small group of individuals who argued with those running the association from Forbes. They disrupted meetings, argued with those in charge and caused unrest. Developers usually turn the management of the association over to the owners at some point when they have sold most of their property and feel that the the members can run it successfully. 

These people harassed the Forbes personnel so badly that they turned the association over to the members in 1992. Things started out badly as those who were the problem children then ran the  association. The members became divided and bickering and angst were the rule. Some of us liked the way Forbes was running their community but I didn't blame them for pulling out as the environment became pretty toxic. 

Individual agendas started to surface and the association started to decline steadily. An example would be when two members paid and attended a fund raising dinner Steve Forbes had in Colorado Springs. Both of those individuals told me they waited for the meet and greet line and when they got to Mr. Forbes they spoke loudly so the reporters would hear: "How could he run a country when he couldn't run a community like Forbes Park?" They were proud that the next morning the reporters had headlines about their comments. All major newspapers covered the story. I saw the news clipping and their names in the various accounts. The fact was that Steve Forbes had nothing to do with this development. 

Another member went to New York and walked into Mr. Yablon's office unannounced and told him he was going to have his job. Mr. Yablon was the board member in charge of Forbes Park. Mr. Yablon told me this himself. These are examples of the angst in the association and then it spread to the division and hostility between members where partisan groups formed. The hostility was so great that people in surrounding areas would say they heard about all the fighting in Forbes when we told them where we were from. 

We have had many boards since then and the association has declined slowly. A few elections ago we have had better board members that are trying to right the ship. There is much to right however and it is a very big job. Our infrastructure has suffered in the process. Much consideration must be given to this next election who want to restore Forbes Park to what it should be. We are now headed in a good direction and that needs to be maintained. 

I do not get involved in the politics of the association but it is my belief that we are at a critical time in restoring the association. We have lived here for almost a quarter of a century and we have noticed that many new residents have moved into the park. The time is at hand to keep this association going to be what is good and friendly and give people a peaceful place to reside or visit.  

Next part 2, some of the disruptions that have hurt the community. 

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