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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

No Cure For Dumb:

Proverbs 17:12
Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs
than a fool bent on folly  

Not many people realize just how a mother bear who has lost her cub behaves. Several years ago we heard a noise outside and went to investigate and found a tiny cub that was wet and scared about 20 feet from the house. We left the cub alone not knowing where the mother bear was. Finally the little cub (approximately 8-10 lbs.) wandered off. 

We were watchful for the mother bear and sure enough about 20 minutes later here came the mama bear down the road. She was walking straight ahead and her body posture and determined gait said don't get in my way. Nothing could have been clearer and she was following the scent of her cub. Only someone with an IQ that was single digit would get in front or near that mother bear. 

Unless you had seen that mother bear you could only imagine how a mother bear (4-500 lbs.) all muscle is something you would not mess with or temp. She was on course to find her cub and having seen her in action the Proverb above takes on new meaning. She assumed her cub was in danger and we feel certain she tracked her cub down. 


David said...

Amen! Thanks for the insight.

Gypsy said...

I think most of us mamas are very protective of our young. That's why we always look tired!