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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Senior Exercise:


I started on a weight loss program 7 months ago. It is put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day. I only take one a day and it took some getting used to but seems to be working. I also cut down on my intake and cut out sugar at least as much as possible. I figured it took me a long time to put the extra weight on and the other diets I saw gave more rapid results.
Those plans don't seem to have a lasting effect and this one seems to be working as I have now lost 19 lbs. and two notches in my belt.
I had put some jeans away last year because they did not fit and was determined to put them into use again. I now have a new set of jeans and the old ones are loose but fit. I'm almost 82 and the weight loss is keeping me going even with arthritis in my knees and ankle.

I had lifted weights for most of my life to stay fit but about 10 years ago I had to cease that exercise and as is well known muscle turns to fat so I have been working to lose the fat. Most of our activity is physical living here as we do so it is not like we don't get exercise but not the daily routine of lifting weights. This system seems to work well for seniors.


David said...

Wow! Thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know it's not easy to shed pounds, but it can be done!