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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Yellow Crab Spiders:

 In the past 26 years I have only seen this spider one time. They are venomous and the only actual venomous spider in Colorado according to some sources. In the last two weeks I have seen and killed two of these spiders. They are aggressive and their bite is similar to a recluse. It pays to be very cautious around them. 


montanagoose said...

Isn't that a goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia)? We have those all over here. As far as I know, crab spiders are completely harmless.

Bruce said...

These are aggressive little spiders, They will come after you and don't seem afraid of anything. They don't look harmless and are only one of the three spiders in Colorado that carry venom.

Pat_I said...

I am glad to hear someone address spiders that will come after you. I have always been told if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. This sping here in North Georgia I have uncovered two long-legged spiders that came right after me. As soon as they were exposed, they ran right at me. I don't know what kind of spiders they were -- they were neither daddy long legs nor cellar spiders, their size and shape were different. I hope those were the only two (but I doubt it).

montanagoose said...

Interesting. I usually find them on the roses. I've had to flick a few of them off of me while pruning or dead heading, but I never thought much of it. I doubt they can bite through my rose gloves anyways. And they do eat aphids, so I suppose they can stay.