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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Little League:

 One of my favorite times of the year is the Little League World Series. When I was young we had to organize our own teams but that was just after WW-2.  We had a neighborhood team but we didn't have any parent or adult to manage us and it is no wonder we lost every game we played. Maybe that was just in our city but back then parents weren't involved in our games. 

Seeing how far it has evolved with teams from all over the world is exciting to me. Back then when I was a child it would never have occurred to me we would be playing teams from other cities or even have a world series. All we knew is we loved the sport and loved to play the game. We followed our favorite team and knew the stats of every player on that team. We would debate (argue) our team and its stats vs our friends favorite team. 

Baseball was one of our topics of conversation when we got together. Baseball and comic books were 90% of the conversation back then. We didn't have adults to keep us organized or to guide us. None of us could even envision what it is today. Now I just take time out of my busy day to watch a game or two and it is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. 

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