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Monday, August 7, 2023

Realizing A Dog's Worth:

When I was a volunteer for an animal rescue I ended up getting multiple sites on Facebook for other animal rescues and postings. My job was to take the applications, investigate them and recommend or not whether they were good candidates for adoption. The rescue has since closed down but my Facebook page is over 50% about animal rescue. 

I wonder if most dog owners realize the true value of dogs. From what I read they are mostly just a member of the family and considered a pet. Here are some examples of dogs and their loyalty and love they provide. An owner had 4 dogs and one was a senior small dog that became very sick and had to be put down. The vet suggested that the owner have the other dogs present so they would know the small dog was dead and would not rejoin the pack. The other dogs sniffed the deceased dog and were satisficed. The German Shepherd sniffed the little dog and then went and got its favorite toy and gently laid it on the dead dog. 

Or the case where a man with 4 dogs had to be transported to the hospital and his dogs ran after the ambulance and stayed together at the hospital for 24 hours until he was released. Or the Pitbull that saved the owner from a deadly snake only to die from the bites it incurred itself. 

I recently heard of a senior German Shepherd that could barely see and people saw it dumped along the side of the road on a major highway. It was rescued and has a loving home where it can live out the rest of its days.  Not all dogs are so lucky however. I see tons of stories each day like this and I wonder - do most dog owners recognize  the true value of their pet?


Anonymous said...

Thank you , I have had many dogs , I think 18 at last count as an adult , all rescues except one chihuahua my teen thought she needed , I don’t know what I would do without them . Thank you for making room for that sweet shepherd with that horrible life to know he was loved in his last days . I have a young white shepherd with Pannus right now and1 year old shepherd cross I adopted last fall from the reservation with health issues , she’s a character and can say I love you in her crazy get off the couch barking , I will try to video , thank you again , I just found your blog , getting older here in Montana also

Bruce said...

My heart goes out to older dogs. We now have Klaus and April his mother. Older dogs have joint pain just like we do. Fortunately they are both still pretty active and living the good life. If they or Lucy could be more spoiled or pampered I don't know how. They deserve it and are getting it. Glad you found our blog, I hope to post more on our fur family in the future.