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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Anal Fistula:


A  few months ago Lucy was diagnosed with an Anal Fistula. She has been on medication ever since.  It seems to be working and has mostly resolved. She was initially on several prescriptions but they have slowly tapered to two. She also has to have a special ointment applied to her anus twice daily. It has to be rubbed in so she does not lick it off if she has any anus irritation. 

That duty falls to me and she will have that applied for the rest of her life. It too will be diminished over time but presently it will remain two times a day. I can state that during these last few months by massaging that salve on her anus we have developed a much closer and more meaningful bond. Yesterday she came over and sat next to me and looked up with the most loving and admiring look I have ever seen from any of our fur family members. 

I have already gone through a box and a half of nytril gloves and this is not something I thought I would be doing in my senior years, however, it is done out of a love for Lucy and all our dogs. 

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