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Thursday, June 13, 2024


I have been watching a pair of cardinals fly back and forth to a tree we have at the corner of our driveway. They fly back and forth all day long and the only break they seem to have as they search for another insect. Soon we will have some juvenal cardinals testing their wings around the front of the house.  Both the cardinals work tirelessly all day feeding their babies. 

Some of the neighbors just outside our community raise free range chickens and so they are all over the community. There is a hen that has little fluffy chicks and each time we drive past her the chicks hide under her protective wings. She knows how to raise her chicks and has them on good feed. Much to be admired by watching the birds. 

Then we have this local woman who drown her twins in a bath tub. She is facing the death penalty. Much to be learned from watching the birds. Some humans can be cruel and heartless. 

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