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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Not Everyone Enjoys Fireworks:

 They started two nights and days ago and I am told that they will continue until this weekend is over. During the day it is gunshots - some as close as 75 yards away. A neighborhood is no place to be shooting guns, especially with all the rocks in our mountain terrain. Ricochet is very likely and that will kill or injure as well as being aimed at and shot. I fear for our dogs and Carol who walk through the neighborhood. 

Fireworks went until almost 1:00 AM and the shots from gunfire were part of the endless explosions. All three of our dogs are seriously afraid of the loud explosions. April totally loses her mind and tries to dig her way to safety or a place to hide. Klaus is equally afraid and tries to get into small places where he does not fit. Lucy hides under the bed .shaking and panting. Calming agents do not relieve their fear. Nothing we do seems to calm or help them.

This appeared to be a nice neighborhood but I now have second thoughts with all the gunfire through the day.  Especially when I see what it does to our dogs and how they react. I am questioning whether this is the right place for us anymore. I am tolerant of celebrating the 4th but this is far more frequent than that and I am concerned about our family going outside with idiots who seem to lack common sense. It happens at times other than on the 4th or New Years, in fact almost every week. 

As nice as this neighborhood appears it is not worth living here when I see what negligence does to our dogs and us. I have been  shot at before but I always had a weapon to fire back. That is not the case here. I have some serious evaluating to do. 

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