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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Birds Educate Us:


If we are diligent and watch the birds there is much that we can learn for the birds. They have the same five senses we humans do. Birds can see more color than we humans and they can see ultraviolet light which we do not see. Some birds can work out solutions, and they have their own vocabulary so they can comminate. 

They build nests to raise their young, feed and care for them until they can go out on their own. After the young can take flight they teach them how to survive and then turn them loose. We humans can could benefit from that I think. Some parents tend to keep their young close and nurture them and protect them from harm to the point they remain dependent for long term. 

Or take the cowbird that lays its eggs in other birds nests for other birds to hatch and raise. The parent mother advocates her parental responsibility to others to raise her young. 

Or the smallest of all birds the hummingbird. It has a brain the size of an early pea and it can migrate thousands of miles and knows to stop at the same  patch of flowers or feeding stations year after year. Crows tend to eat baby birds so they build their nests under or near raptor nests for protection. 

Understanding birds can greatly benefit human life. We have and share many characteristics if we but observe the birds. 

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