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Friday, September 27, 2024

Getting Along:

Our country is deeply divided in many areas. I notice it on the social media platforms during the political times and I find it most alarming. I have had friends  unfriend me because of posts from conservative or left left leaning posts. They see one or the other posts and don't see the other. I like to make informed decisions and to do that you need to evaluate both sides. Sometimes reviewing both sides I see some truth that benefits everyone.  

I have a lot of friends on social media that come from childhood, military, my years of writing blogs for Mother Earth News, and people I have worked with or have met along the way of living. Each is special to me. From all persuasions, different positions and unique and special. I would not even consider unfriending any of them for their opinion but if I find any of their posts that show up on my timeline offense I just delete that from my timeline. 

I consider their friendship more valuable than an opinion. It would be a terrible world if we all had to agree with each other. We do need to get along and that includes differences of opinion. We need to be careful to not let others divide us as friendships need to have a priority that is higher than politics. 


Anonymous said...

So true!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree.