For most of my life I have received my exercise from lifting weights and running. Several years ago Carol requested that I no longer lift weights as I was older and was injuring myself doing so. I also did not have a spotter to assist if I got in trouble. I hated to give it up but I realized she was right. Living as remote as we did there was no one to work out with and act as spotters for each other.
One day at the gym a guy came over and invited me to lift actual weights as the equipment like this (photo above) didn't give my muscles that good of a workout. I joined 5 other guys that were serious weight lifters. One was a local business owner, another was a minister, another was a retired NFL down lineman who played for the Dallas Cowboys, and the other was a farrier who shoed horses. All very fit and strong and it was an honor to be invited to join them.
Now that I am in my 80's I still need to get exercise so I went back to this type of machine as weight lifting would still be prone to potentially injure me. So this is more suited to my age and will allow me to tone muscles and gain strength. My legs don't allow me to run any longer and if you see me running check behind me because someone or something is chasing me.
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