Last night we had our usual (for this time of year) storm and these are photo's of what rainbow's usually look like in the mountains. Actually this was a double rainbow but only two photos show a portion of the double feature. Click on the photo and it will enlarge.
We get these often because of the way the storms move into our area and the way the sun sets behind the mountain, we can get sun, rain and rainbows all at once. It was raining when I took these and you can see the sun on the trees.
We not only have beautiful vista's of mountains but we also get rainbow's to keep us in awe and to remind us of God's promise's. The lightning display was awesome as we looked out upon it. There is much to be appreciative of and it was all provided free of charge.
These rainbow and western tanager photo's make for good wall paper on your screen too.
Oh the rainbows look beautiful in the mountains Bruce. And how right you's all free of charge!
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