As I sat in my recliner and ate supper tonight I noticed a Western Tanager doing aerial acrobatics out front. It was doing everything but turning inside out. Then it landed in a tree in the front yard and watched for more bugs. It stood out so well against the dark storm clouds in the back ground that I decided to see if I could get a photo or two of it. This is a male Western Tanager and they are truly beautiful birds that generally don't do photo opp's like this. If you click on the photo it will enlarge it.
Sorry for the blurry shot but it was about 40' away and at the end of the telephoto limit. I think they came out well enough to appreciate the beauty of this beautiful song bird. Most folks probably don't get the opportunity to view a Western Tanager so here are two photo's of one who lives near our home. As I looked out the window tonight when feeding the dogs I was over whelmed with so many birds. Some I don't know the identity of but I saw two flickers, robins, wren's, chickadee, fly catchers, harry woodpeckers and nuthatches. There must have been 30-40+ birds all flying around the side of the house.
I'm happy to be able to share some of our birds and hope you like them as much as I do. I also observed two bats this morning at first light but they did not go into the bat house. Not the family from years past but maybe a new family that will stay around.
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