Here is my last article on Wagon Creek that I will post on Mother Earth News. By the time everyone decides to dig this 3-4 foot barrier and clear the several feet of rock out of the creek it will most likely be way to late this year. By next year there will be other more important things and this will have been there for a year and the damage will already be done. This is how you destroy a creek that has been flowing freely with native trout for thousands of years. It also shows how greed and bullying wins over honest means. Read the article and it pretty well explains how this happened and why you can't trust government agencies. To read the full article which is a short read go to:
The death of native trout and a creek that previously flowed with sparkling clear water.
I think that you are too dramatic to even suggest that this compares to the tragedy of 9-11. Wrongdoing with the stream? Likely, but it cannot be compared to what happened on 9-11 nor should it be. It is incomprehensible to me that you could even draw an analogy. Lives lost vs. fish lost? Really?
I hoped that I made it clear that I was not comparing the 9/11 tragedy to fish. When I thought of the fish it made me think of that horrific time as the situation is very similiar. I could not think of any other event that compared to the plight of the trout. Sorry if that was not clear.
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