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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Inner Reflection - By Sakoieta'

There are days and times when we have to shut ourselves off from the outer world for a bit and go into a quiet place where we can once again hear those things that carry with them the sweet sound and taste of the truth. It is there when we embrace truth that we once again can feel the peace and contentment of realizing how much we often need that truthful stability in our lives each and every day. Most of us can handle being lied to a little bit and leave the lies with the people who feel important in giving them out and passing them on, but occasionally when we walk away from a series of lies it is good to once again go to where we know the truth is at and just wrap our spirits in the sweet smells and sounds of it.


Bruce said...

Comment by Pat: This is beautiful... And sometimes it's difficult to sort the truth from the lie, and it takes time. We stay so busy, at least I do, that sometimes I accept the "lie" because I don't have time or am too overwhelmed to analyze the situation and find the truth. Then, when I do sit down and think it through, I'm amazed how I let the lie overtake the truth...

Carol said...

well said, Pat. I think living here has taught us a lot about what is fact and what is fiction/lies.