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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Taking The Blinders Off - By Sakoieta'

There two main responsibilities that I have been given as a human being. Those two are to love unconditionally and to constantly give thanks. Both of these responsibilities are to be shown in my actions, words, deeds and thoughts, in the way I relate to myself, the Earth, my family and relatives, my clan, my nation, others, and the coming unborn faces. The Natural World and this Earth is more than just sticks, dirt, stones, etc. It is the nourishment that is needed for living a good and healthy life committed to good health and well being. It is needed not just for me but all of the Created Natural order. This is what it means to be Onkwehonwe. These are the basics of our original instructions. This is what it means to face reality every day in whatever situation I find myself in. This is what it means to live and walk in truth and to give and share because I have received so much.

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