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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Echo Update

For those who have been following Echo's progress we are happy to report he is on all four legs now but his back legs are still weak. He is progressing normally but wobbly at times. It has been one week today and we are pleased with his progress and chance for a full or almost full recovery.

He is also adapting as when he goes whiz he normally lifts his leg to do so and now he just barely lifts it and leans against the tree. He has also learned that if he can't get up the two steps into the house that if he stands and rests a minute or two and tries again he can then make it up the stairs. It looks like he is now headed in the right direction for recovery.


Anonymous said...

A lot of people I believe have been praying for Echo. Me too. I am so glad he is improving! : ) You could be right on about his slip on the ice manifesting a day or so later with a inflamed tendon or ligament.
Trent, my big baby 9 year young Swiss Mountain dog has been getting a few wild caught sardines mixed his dinner. The omega 3 in it seems to help with his arthritis. He was pretty sore after long walks & hikes up there.

Very weird weather here in North Central Florida too. It was in the upper 20's last night and supposed to be in the mid and lower 20's for the next three nights with possibility of snow and sleet. From what I understand the greatly warming winter temps in the arctic is lowering the temperature differential between the arctic and the northern hemisphere and that lack of differential is what allows the jet stream to dip down the way it is.

Best wishes to you both and the whole "pack" in the New Year. Truly wish we could be up there now (and all year round) :) Barbara

Skip said...

That is good news about Echo. I was wondering about him today and was just about to send you an email inquiring about his recovery.