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Sunday, May 27, 2018


When I was young Memorial Day was called Decoration Day to honor those who have fallen in battle so we could live free and enjoy the good things about our country. There are numerous attacks on our freedoms these days and it may be because our citizens have forgotten what a price was paid for those freedoms. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have given their lives for the freedoms we have today. They gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could live free in a wonderful country.
Memorial Day is not to celebrate BBQ or a day at the beach - just ask any veteran who has lost a friend or buddy in combat. Ask any parent, wife, husband, brother, sister or orphaned child of a military member who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.
These brave men and women gave their life for our country and the flag that represents our wonderful country. Don't disrespect the country, flag or the veteran who gave their all especially on this National day of remembrance or our brave soldiers. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE........

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