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Saturday, July 21, 2018


As this photo above shows the Spring Fire burned right up to the edge of the road but did not cross over at our home and property. On both ends of our property the fire went right up the mountain but it left us and our home green and alive in an oasis amidst what is other wise total devastation.

Here is the miracle: We had hundreds, perhaps thousands praying for us and our home to survive across our great country and around the world even to the Ukraine. Some may call it lucky, one in a million, coincidence but if you could see our property like we are able to see it you would know it was none of those but divine intervention. Regardless of the readers faith, lack of belief, religion we know in our heart, soul and mind that our property could not have been saved other than the Lord heard all the prayers and answered them.

I don't post this as any theology discussion but as simple facts as we see them. He does not always answer prayers the way we hope, but in this case our prayers and those of many were answered.

Here is another piece of the puzzle.   When we were all crammed into a small motel room in Alamosa our good friend Shanea brought another friend by whose hobby is maps and studying land areas. She knows how to access remote cameras and see live what most people are unaware of. She had accessed a remote camera as it zoomed in on our house as the fire had passed our area.  It was intact and looked normal. She was also able to see what we all thought was a bulldozer line around our property. We saw the view also but when we looked for that view later we could not find it.

Seeing that bulldozer line around our property gave us hope.  When we were finally able to get to come home the first thing I looked for was that bulldozer line. There was no bulldozer line or any indication that any firefighting activity had occurred on our property.

Shane Greer the incident commander stated at one of the briefings I attended that in his 30 years of wildfire fighting he had never encountered one that burned this hot. The heat against our outer wall was so hot it popped table joints and caused the remote for the TV to swell. Sixty or seventy feet away trees had heat damage but did not catch fire. Shane also commented several times the Spring Fire was so intense and fast moving they were trying to catch it and were unable to get ahead of it.

The only evidence of firefighting activity we found was where after the fire the firefighters came in to work on a few hot spots. Call this what you will but we are right here to see it ourselves and there is no power on earth that could make us believe it was anything other than our Lord who protected our home and property. As we stare in unbelief we can find no other explanation. We are in an oasis of green with total devastation surrounding us. In fact there was a fire tornado not more than 3/8's a mile away that uprooted huge trees, broke others in half and even in that super intense heat and the heat not 80' from our home we don't have any damage. Thanks be to the Lord......


David said...

Praise the Lord! 1 Thessalonians 5:18....we give thanks IN the circumstances not necessarily FOR the circumstances, but thankful we know Him through Jesus Christ! Thanks for sharing this.

anonymous said...

Sounds like a miracle to me, thank you Lord !

JO said...

I'm so happy your home was spared. I sure feel for those who were not so.

Bea said...

What a miraculous story and I am very happy for you and your family.
Strange things happen between heaven and earth.
So devastating to read about all the obstacles other victims have now to overcome. Bureaucracy seems not a tool to protect people but make money of the unfortunate.
Thanks for sharing.

Charlotte Boord said...
