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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Looking Back - A Reflection On A Life Lived Fully

They say hindsight is 20/20, and when you hit the senior stage of life that is very true. Us seniors tend to reflect back on our past and now that we are old the view is 20/20.  I am aware this blog has a diversity of readers and this blog is about living remotely in the mountains. Part of our life here is how our past brought us to this point.

Since I was a youngster I dreamed of living in the mountains in a cabin. I always felt that was how life was to be lived - being part of nature. I also had plans from an early age as to the way I wanted my life to go. As I reflect back I can now see my life took a course of its own. I can remember many times I was tempted to take a course that would not have brought me to this place in life - a place of happiness, contentment and enjoyment. How decisions I didn't think much of at the time were actually course corrections that really weren't my decisions at all but circumstances that forged my direction in life.

I made some poor choices along the way but ultimately they worked out and my life has been in my opinion divinely guided., As it says in Corinthians 12:4-7, There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  I can see looking back that there were several places my life could have changed direction and led me differently. My life really did not deviate from my early childhood dream and brought me to life here in the cabin. It was my gifts, service and work that set my course.

Achieving this stage of happiness could have not been possible without the ideal spouse. It is because of Carol that this is possible and we can live what is now our dream. She and only she has the qualities that made this possible. I could not have done it alone and I can't think of any other person who could have accomplished getting us to this point in life. She has managed our household and myself brilliantly.

Us old folks tend to look back and wonder how things could have been had we taken a different path in life. The more times I focus on my past decisions I can see the ones I chose were the exact right ones for me. Actually they were chosen for me as I said I believe my life has been divinely guided.

I'm aware many readers are not of the same religious persuasion that I am and it is not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable. This is a reflection that represents my life to date and is not intended to offend anyone with different. I realize how very lucky I am to achieve my childhood dream when many others have not and possibly taken a course that makes returning difficult. Left to me I would not have either but as it turns out I can see my choices in life were outside my control many times and it was not just dumb luck.

Us old folks tend to look back and reflect,. If the reader has not done that yet they will some day. My hope is that upon reflection you will find the  true happiness I have found and clearly see how the course of your life was sometimes outside your control. Then you will realize you have a life well lived and how you got to this point. Course corrections in life are sometimes needed to arrive at your true happiness which I wish for all the readers of this blog.


David said...

Well said, Bruce. Thanks for your encouragement! A couple verses come to mind....Proverbs 19:21 and 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Keep up the good work!!

Alison said...

Nicely put. Happy that you all are so blessed!