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Saturday, February 15, 2020


Mountain Snow Update: To date we have received 159" of snow this snow season according to my measure. The snow blocks the burned area and makes it look better in my opinion. If we get our average snowfall this season we only have another 100" or so to go. To me that represents the downhill of snow season. Last year we received snow right up until the end of May so in 3 months this will all most likely be melted away.

The snow in the driveway is mostly drifting snow from the 20-30 mph wind we have been getting. The trees that used to block the wind somewhat are now just black sticks pointing toward the clouds so more in the form of snow drifts. The snow banks along the driveway are only 2-3' because I use the snow thrower on the driveway and it throws the snow further out. The level ground snow however is between 3-4' deep and difficult to walk in.

When I go out at night and the moon is out the snow appears like millions of diamonds have been spread on it. It is so beautiful it will stop you in your tracks it is so dazzling. Also when the wind blows the snow crystals and they are in a shaft of sunlight it is just stunningly beautiful with the millions of sparkles glittering. The other good thing about snow is it is presently stored water which we will need in this semi arid state. It will provide moisture for subsurface insects, vegetation, trees, and most of all water that will keep the aquifer abundant with water that runs through this mountain.

Snow is the major ingredient in the life cycle here in the mountains but sometimes I tend to forget that when I am shoveling it so often. I needed to remind myself plus when I go out after a snow storm to start the snow removal the silence is beyond description. I know many people don't have much good to say about snow but as for me: I love the snow. 

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