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Monday, January 25, 2021

Reality Check vs Pollyanna:

We woke up to 8" of snow this morning which usually isn't much of a problem. First things first is clear a path in the back yard for two female German Shepherds to potty. When their sensitive area hits the snow they quickly forget what they are out there for. What is a problem is the white out conditions that the wind and the snow create. 

Next we need to shovel off the deck as the bird suet feeder is empty. Then the steps and shovel out the side of the house where the snow comes off the roof. That opens up the basement and under the house where the snow thrower is kept. All the time the wind is blowing snow that stings your face and the 14 degree temperatures give you a chill. 

So far this winter we have had 157" of snow and we still have 4 months of winter yet to go. We have been doing this for nearly a quarter of a century and I only post this to reveal that life can be hard in the mountains. Some one story houses can be drifted over and that is just one of the hazards of life in a harsh climate. 

Some move here thinking it is a breeze but it doesn't matter what type of house you have there is still a lot of shoveling by hand so you better be healthy or you are at risk. That creates another problem as our road has been drifted in like most roads since Saturday. If you needed to get out or if you had an emergency you may be out of luck. The snow removal policy of the association leaves much to be desired. 

The roads are drifted in all over the area and there is no plowing on weekends so Monday the road crew are overwhelmed with the many drifts plus just pushing the snow off the road facilitates the additional drifting. Our road has just become narrower and narrower. 

I'm not complaining but pointing out to prospective landowners who plan to live here full time it is not only one of the most beautiful places around but it also has many considerations and challenges. 


1 comment:

JO said...

That is a challenge alright. But OH so pretty. Be careful to not hurt yourself out there