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Friday, January 22, 2021


 We adopted Ruby when she was between 12-14 years old. They didn't know anything about her past or what her age was. She was reserved for her first several months with us which could be partly because she is deaf. Like me she gimps along due to arthritis but she doesn't let that stop her for a gal her age. She has evolved into a remarkable senior and her personality has within the past few months really come to the surface. She may be deaf and incontinent but she is one of those family members that just keeps amazing us. 

We have her on pain medication for her arthritis pain and Proin for her incontinence and even with her hearing loss she amazes us every day. She is always up for a walk, observes what is going on around her and has made her presence in our family a vital one. Her determination to be a part of our family and her willingness to not let her senior difficulties slow or stop her has drawn nothing but our total respect. She is a daily inspiration to us and Lucy loves and respects her. When her wonderful personality finally emerged she became a real part of our family. She loves to play with stuffed toys as the photo reveals.

This senior girl has earned our love and respect and we are entertained by her each and every day. 

1 comment:

stratarealm said...

Ruby is a real gem! The older I get the more I like my dogs or any dogs.