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Saturday, May 21, 2022

More Snow:

Our last snow was April 2nd where we received 2" bringing the yearly total to 214". Today we have 7" so far and in-between April 2nd and today it has been into the 60-70's each day. I should have known better than plant my garden so early as this can and does happen in the mountains. I may have to plant my garden all over again.  
I had put the snow shovels away and also my winter clothes. Again I should have known better as we have lived here for 25 years. This is not that unusual for mountain living. Two things are requirements when living at high elevation and that is being prepared for instances like this and flexibility to be able to deal with it when it happens. Fortunately we are both and in a few days this heavy snow will be gone and we will have seasonable temperatures once again. We had planned to work on getting in our firewood today but that won't happen in this weather. Simply explained this is life in the mountains.  

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