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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Last Hike To The Mountain Top:

Before the Spring wildfire we used to take a day to hike to the top of the mountain. We are  at 9,800' elevation and the top of the mountain is 10,500' elevation. It is a very strenuous hike and it takes a couple hours to get up there. It is worth it as the view is spectacular from there. Carol is standing on the very top of the mountain. We used to just walk out our back door and go up the mountain. The last 100 yards we had to go on hands and knees to get to the top. There is a bear den up there which is dug out in the rock. Now it is all burned  so we are glad to have had this last trip to the very top. It is just not the same with burned trees and ash with a jumble of blown down dead and charred trees. Glad we have these photos to look back on.

 If you click on the photos they enlarge and reflect the beauty even more. 

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