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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Shave - blade -vs- Electric:

 I don't know about other men but I prefer to shave with a razor and mug soap. I have an electric razor but I seem to get a closer shave with the razor and it doesn't grow out 2-3 hours after I shave like it does with an electric razor. 

I also like the razor because it saves me time. The electric razor is good for touching up when I miss a place but when I shave with a razor I can do a complete shave in about 2-3 minutes. No lengthy clean up just rinse my face and I'm done. With the electric razor it takes twice as long and then I have clean up time. 

Many now days only shave every few days or grow a beard. I found that a beard is annoying (itchy) tor me and I read that they hold germs and bacteria, and possibly food. Where I live being outdoors as much as I am I also tend to get insects in my beard so I shave instead. Not only is my face cleaner but with a razor it is faster and I don't waste time using an electric razor which has to be cleaned to get a good shave. 

Some shave with an electric razor on their way to work but if you live in Colorado you should be careful as the state police are cracking down on drivers who could be distracted and shaving is certainly distracting.  

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