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Friday, July 14, 2023

A God Incident:

 We went to town yesterday to re-supply groceries. On the way home we stopped at the post office and picked up a copy of a small newspaper. As I sat looking through the paper I noticed an ad from the shelter where we adopted Klaus and the photo looked exactly like him. It was for a female (same description) as Klaus had. I know that Klaus was surrendered because the prior owner turned him in because his wife was very sick and they couldn't take care of him or another dog. 

I called the shelter and left a message and the manager of the shelter called me back and verified that they were surrendered together. The female which we now know is Klaus' mother was adopted after a few weeks. It was that family that surrendered her back to the shelter several days ago. The husband was a double amputee and the wife was afraid that April could bump into him and knock him down.

April is two years older than Klaus and today they were reunited. When they saw each other at the shelter we couldn't hold either of them back. Two very happy and excited dogs - mother and son back together after all these years. No doubt they belong together as they both have the same traits. Exactly the same in every way and the photo above is of April as their identity is the same too. As I write this April is laying at my feet sound asleep and Klaus in on the sofa also sound asleep. 

The man who surrendered them the first time said his wife was sick and he could not care for them. He later claimed Klaus once again advising his wife died. Shortly thereafter he brought Klaus back and surrendered  him a second time where he stayed until we adopted him. As it turned out after I called yesterday the wife called  from N. Dakota where she is alive and well to check on April. She was too late as we adopted her today where she won't be surrendered again. Their abandoned days are now behind them. 

April fit right in to our family and she won't be passed around any more. She is almost 10 years old and has now found her family who will love her and keep her. As I look on the many circumstances, the timing of two phone calls, and all the other circumstances involved we have re-joined these two and Lucy seems to like April. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a good story and a happy ending for both dogs .