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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Little League:

 As 2023 Little League winds down I hope others are enjoying it as much as I have. Over the years I have played, coached, managed in Little League. When I played it was just beginning and in our city it lacked organization. When I managed it was much more organized and it was so rewarding to manage and coach these young boys.  From T ball to teams I think I got more out of it than anyone. 

The first time I managed a team I ended up with the kids that other managers didn't want on their team. They went through many gyrations to avoid them but I was glad to get them. Anyone who has managed a Little League team knows the most problems come from the parents. 

Before the first practice I called a meeting with the parents without the boys present. I explained that my goal was to make sure the boys learned the basics but most of all have fun playing baseball. I had 12 boys and if any parent wanted their son to play a certain position they might want to consider another team. I planned to get the boys to play any position and I wanted them to experience all positions. I planned to build them into a  TEAM and build their confidence and self esteem. 

Little League was not about winning games but having fun in playing. They would learn to be good respectful winners and good sports when losing. The parents all agreed and those boys had their parents full support and became good players. 

One example was a boy who totally lacked eye to hand coordination. He quickly became discouraged and failed to show up for practices. I contacted his mother and learned he felt he did not fit in.  She was a single mom and said she hoped he would come back as he needed other boys and a man influence. I talked him into coming back, and talked to the other boys to give his some support and help him become one of the team. He slowly came around with the other boys helping him.  As it turned out he caught a fly ball in the final game when we were ahead by one run to end the game. It took the entire season but he was finally and fully a TEAM player. 

Other managers would yell and demean players but never on our team. Sometimes a single word can destroy a young boy so we always looked ahead and any mistakes were left behind. I watched other managers teach their team to play dirty, cheat, and those boys were angry and learning things that would give them hardship in later life. Winning at all costs would not set them on the right path. 

Our team never pouted, cried or became angry. They played having learned the basics and at the end of the season were in first place. But most of all they had fun along the way. Little League is good to be involved in and it builds skills, character all the while when having fun. I am enjoying these games. 

Little League is good for young boys - It teaches them values.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog hasn't sent me email notifications in the longest time and I haven't seen these posts on FB. I'm going to read to catch up!