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Friday, September 1, 2023

Don't Procrastinate - Especially If You Live Remote.


One thing we have learned from living in the mountains is not to procrastinate. Not even one day - as things can change suddenly and what needs to be done often can't be carried through. This week was an example. I had a "todo" list that had 30 tasks on it and fortunately I had all of them done in preparation for winter.  Living in the mountains winter can sneak up on you very suddenly. With my task list completed that doesn't put un-necessary pressure on me in case an emergency occurs.

We had just such an emergency happen this week. I won't go into details but the hour twenty minute drive to the emergency room seemed like 10 hours coupled with intense pain. Fortunately I was successfully treated and could return home but follow up treatment is required. In the meantime I will not be cutting firewood or moving rocks etc. 

With mountain winter rapidly approaching if I had waited to do some of the necessary chores I would be under tremendous pressure now. Fortunately they are done and I can focus on recovery from a rather scary situation. I am so glad that one of the most important lessons we learned early was don't procrastinate. 

1 comment:

Kathryn Arnold said...

In April I was planning to begin a regimen of fasting and prayer. In reading about it, one author commented to expect the devil to come against the plan. I thought, "Well, won't be the first time... how bad could it be?" That night I awoke with the unmistakable awareness I was passing a kidney stone. (Not my first rodeo.) It passed the next day but I was still in pain, using a heating pad, etc until the pain suddenly changed and intensified. I did pass another stone... but, long story short, the sudden additional pain was I had begun my first ever case of shingles, located just below the kidney with the stones. Three ER visits, one hospitalization because the ER missed that I had drank too much water trying to pass the stones and gave me a treatment that threatened to give me rhabdomyosis and, potentially, acute renal failure, four visits to my primary care to treat the subsequent kidney infection, plus it all caused the worst IBS flare I had in twenty years, and it was the end of July before the shingles were entirely gone. I'm finally thinking again about finishing that book and coming up with a fasting plan.